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Cambodia’s property boom continues despite pandemic – is Phnom Penh real estate a good investment? Where to look and what to look for

Posted By: Netsolution Online on 02-05-2022

Having garnered the attention of residential investors for at least the last three years, Cambodia’s construction boom continues unabated.

Even considering the supply chain disruptions caused by Covid-19, real estate services firm CBRE still projects a 34 per cent increase in condominium supply this year (down from the 55 per cent earlier forecast for 2020). The firm is expecting a total of 28,000 units to have been completed by end of the year, up from current supply of 21,000 units as of Q2.

In the opinion of Reid Kirchenbauer, founder of InvestAsian, property is one of the best ways to profit from Cambodia’s “unparalleled” economic growth since the Khmer Rouge disbanded more than 20 years ago.

Source: https://english.cambodiadaily.com/business/cambodias-property-boom-continues-despite-pandemic-is-phnom-penh-real-estate-a-good-investment-where-to-look-and-what-to-look-for-168186/