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Cambodia’s Number 1 tourist attraction preparing for return of high visitor numbers

Posted By: Netsolution Online on 01-05-2022

The Government of Cambodia has formally opened one of the most ambitious new road programs undertaken by the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation.

Launched in the world-renowned tourist site of Siem Reap, home to world famous Angkor Wat, the project includes over 100 km of new roads and nearly 250 km of rainwater drainage systems, parks, and other physical infrastructure.

Costing over $150 million, the highly advanced infrastructure project has arrived in time for the much-anticipated return of high numbers of visitors to Cambodia’s remarkable tourist attractions in Siem Reap, which were closed during the pandemic.

The Ministry of Public Works and Transportation used the global COVID-19 shutdown to improve the region’s infrastructure, creating jobs, and ensuring Siem Reap’s position as a major global tourist destination.  The construction was completed in just over one year, from 30 November 2020 to the end of 2021.

Speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the new infrastructure in Siem Reap, the Chairman of the Inter-Ministerial Commission responsible for infrastructure management in the province and Minister of National Defense, DPM Tea Banh, said, “These roads play an important role in promoting infrastructure, reducing congestion, attracting investors, and national and international tourists.  This will all contribute to turning Siem Reap into a modern city, a core area of the national economy, as well as a prime tourist destination for culture, heritage, history, and nature.”

The 38-road construction project also added flood protection systems throughout the city, as well as roadside lighting, additional sidewalks, accessible paths for people with disabilities, bicycle lanes, parking lots, security camera systems, and trees and gardens.

Source: https://khmertimeskh.com/501053615/cambodias-number-1-tourist-attraction-preparing-for-return-of-high-visitor-numbers/